Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Dead Lift Reps

3x10 situps
3x10 back extensions
3x10 pushups
3x10 air squats
Practice kipping pullups

WOD: "Dead Lift Reps"
Dead lift reps to 205 lbs.

This was easy for me and didn't bother my hamstring injury too much.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shoulder Press.....Shoulder Press....Shoulder Press

3x10 situps
3x10 back extensions
3x10 pushups
Tried to jog on injured hamstring

WOD: "Shoulder Presses until Failure"
Shoulder press reps until failure to rest hamstring.

Had a hard time raising my arms to wash myself in the shower after this WOD. I am so weak.

Monday, June 23, 2008

How to pull a hammy....

Learned Samson stretch
3x10 situps
3x10 back extensions
3x10 air squats

WOD: "Z-sprints & Air Squats"
Run z-sprints on field and 10 air squats at each end for time.

Did not finish this WOD due to a severe hamstring pull in my right leg. Not fun. Pretty frustrating for my first ever crossfit WOD.