Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


3x15 situps
2x15 medicine ball cleans + medicine ball box jumps
15 kipping pullups


3 on 3 w/ 12 lb medicine ball

Every athlete for himself/herself w/ 12 lb medicine ball

Today was all about competition. My team (Robert C., Titus B., & myself) dominated the Evan/Tiffany/Drew team. DOMINATED!!!! This is certainly a game to play again. There's nothing like catching a 12 lb medicine ball that is flung at you as hard as possible. To be fair, Drew put me out in the elimination game, but only after I knocked him down.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Three Rounds for Time...


3x15 situps, squats, & pushups
Double under practice


3 rounds for time:
21 knees to elbows
21 kettlebell swings (1.25 pood/45 lb)
21 pushups
10 pullups
21 box jumps
150 ft walking lunges

PR: 24:10 min

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jump Rope/Kettlebells

Warm Up:
3x15 Situps w/ 25lb Kettlebell + Back Extensions
1x15 Ring Pullups & Air Squats
2x15 Ring Pushups

3 rounds for time of:
300 Jump Rope + 25 1.25 pood (45 lbs) Kettlebell Swings
PR: 18:00 minutes

Didn't feel like working out today too much after getting in LATE last night from the REK concert at the Ryman. For more on that, see the Life Heads Up Blog. Anyhow, I had the option of 100 double-unders instead of 300 standard jump ropes, but I was whipping the heck out of my ankles, so I reverted to 300 times 3. That's a lot of bouncing. My arches are killing me. The kettlebell is well, the kettlebell.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Medicine Ball Obstacle Course

Warm Up:

2x15 Pistol Progression (each leg)

Dead Hang Pull Ups (4 at at time before dropping)

Kipping Pull Ups

Ring Dips Practice

Bungee Ankle Exercises

Bear Crawl Corners terminating in 5 push ups and 7 air squats


Medicine Ball Course (AMRAP in 10 minutes)

Under hurdles and over boxes toting the ball, bear crawl back knocking the ball in front while protecting it from other players kicking it away.

PR: 13 laps

Today was tough, but you just had to pace yourself to keep from getting gassed, literally. Had a chance to kick Drew's ball away when he got to close to the hurdles. Disappointed in the Bungee Ankle work. I was envisioning an American Gladiators style bungee game where you get jerked backwards and you have to scramble forward as far as possible. Oh well. I also thought tires were supposed to roll.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Deadlift Progression...

3x15 situps, inverted pushups, 20# wall ball, 20# medicine ball cleans

7x1 Deadlift Progression
  1. 243 lbs
  2. 293 lbs
  3. 313 lbs
  4. 333 lbs
  5. 355 lbs PR
  6. 365 lbs fail
  7. 365 lbs PR

Friday, November 14, 2008


Jog 4 laps
3 ladder crawls
3x15 situps
3 shuttle runs (PR 4.60 sec)
3 20-yd dash (PR 3.97 sec)
Kneeling 5 lb medicine ball throw (PR: 23.5 ft)

Yo-Yo Endurance Test (PR 7-6)

This was, officially, the most boring WOD I have ever competed in. Plus, I'm terrible at it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lots of Squats...

3x15 situps w/ 25lbs added; knees 2 elbows (40)/skin the cat (5)
1x15 deadlifts
Kipping pullup practice

Squats Progression
3x3 Overhead squats (65 lbs, 95 lbs, 115 lbs)
3x3 Front squats (125 lbs, 135 lbs, 155 lbs)
3x3 Back squats (205 lbs, 225 lbs, 25o lbs)

Monday, November 10, 2008


Jog 3 laps
Hold back extension for 90 secs
Hold plank for 90 secs

WOD: "Angie"
100 pullups/200 jumping pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

PR: 29.33 min

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


2x15 situps & back extensions
3x16 crooked pushups
Brazilian jiujitsu situps practice
3x10 per leg pistol practice

WOD: "Fran"
AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 kipping pullups/20 jumping pullups
10 65lb thrusters

PR: 9 rounds

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Deadlifts & Sandbags

3x15 knees to elbows + situps + air squats
Kipping pullup practice

WOD: "Deadlifts & Sandbags"
6 set countdown (10,9,7,5,3,1) of 155lb deadlifts & 50 lb sandbag cleans + push press

Time = 11:30 min

Monday, November 3, 2008


3x15 knees to elbows + situps + air squats
Kipping pullup practice

5 sets of 4 exercises (20 seconds active/10 second rest between sets - 1 min rest between exercises). Lowest reps scores.
  1. Tire flips w/ lg tire (6,6,5,5,5 = 5)
  2. Pushups (10,10,8,5,5 = 5)
  3. Air squats (16,16,15,15,15 = 15)
  4. Sumo dead lift high pull (13,12,10,8,5 = 5)

Total score = 30