2x15 overhead squats
2x15 pushups
2x15 situps
2x15 back extensions
2x15 arm swings
2x1 sampson stretches
WOD: "Burpee - Pullup - Kettlebell Swing"
4 rounds for time of:
- 10 burpees
- 20 pullups (I subbed 20 65# push press)
- 30 kettlebell swings (35# Rx - I used 45# kb)
subbed 65# push press for the pullups in anticipation of GI Jane this week – trying to save my hands for that
in addition, I upped the kettlebell to the 45# KB (Rx was 35#) to try to get an equal amount of work that I lost doing push press instead of pullups
Also - please go to this website and VOTE for CrossFit Murfreesboro in the annual Ruthies Award competition - please get as many people as possible to vote - you can vote every day from multiple browsers

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