3x10 good mornings (45#)
3x10 posterior reach
3x10 squats
1x10 pullups
5x3 back squats (185#,195#,205#,225#,225#)
WOD: "Thruster-Clean-Sumo"
AMRAP in 9 minutes of:
- 5 thrusters (95#)
- 7 hang cleans (95#)
- 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (95#)
My arms were shot after this WOD. Can't lift them above my shoulders.
It was cool to work out with Jeff from Atlanta today. He told me about the “Run & Chug” WOD’s they do down there. I think it was run 400 meter, chug a beer, repeat.
Also glad to see MLIB back in the box.
Last time we did this was 20 rounds of 21 total reps each (total of 420 reps) and my time was 25:40. This time was 21 rounds of 22 reps each (total of 462 reps). Pretty stoked that I beat my previous time AND did 42 more reps.
Today’s WOD:
3.10 seconds per rep (avg) compared to the previous WOD of 420 reps means that I would have beaten my previous time of 25:40 by 3:58 (total time of 21:42) if today’s WOD was exactly the same as the last time we did this. I know, I’m a nerd.