Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thruster Burpees

3x15 situps
3x15 squats
3x15 kettlebell swings (2 poods = beast)

WOD: "Thruster Burpees"
Three sets of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
  • thrusters (95#)
  • burpees
Time 9:45 Rx

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


3x20 situps
3x20 back extensions
10 turkish getups (5 per arm)
sampson stretch
hang squat clean practice (185#)

For 10 minutes - perform 2 deadlift to hang squat cleans per minute
Rest 4 minutes
For time - 50 wall ball (20#) + 50 pushups

155# deadlift/hang squat cleans
4:38 Rx - wall balls & pushups

Monday, December 28, 2009

Press - Max Reps for Time

2x15 overhead squats (pvc)
2x15 pushups
2x15 pullups (strict)

WOD: "Press - Max Reps for Time"
  • 3 minutes - shoulder press (max reps @ 65#)
  • 3 minutes rest
  • 3 minutes - push press (max reps @ 65#)
  • 3 minutes rest
  • 3 minutes - push jerk (max reps @ 65#)
If you rack the weight or rest longer than 3 seconds, you must perform a set of 3 burpees each time.

SP 30 reps Rx - 12 burpees
PP 45 reps Rx - 9 burpees
PJ 35 reps Rx - 9 burpees

Total 110 reps Rx - 30 burpees

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Get Tired

2x15 pushups
2x15 squats
2x15 pullups

WOD: "Get Tired"
Flip large tire (AMLAP in 10 minutes)

Just under 6.5 lengths Rx

Congrats to Carzilla who broke the women’s box record with 12.5 lengths + time to heckle me as she lapped me over and over and over again :)

Monday, December 21, 2009


run 400 meters
arm mobility drills
15 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
15 walking lunges (per leg)
15 knees to elbows
10 ring pushups w/ legs in rings
15 ring dips

WOD: "3x3 OHS/FS/BS"
9 sets of 3 reps each of overhead squats (3 sets), front squats (3 sets), and back squats (3 sets) increasing weight with each set.

OH 155#,165#,175# - increased 10# from 9/16/09
FS 185#,205#,215# - increased 10# from 9/16/09
BS 225#,275#,300# - increased 35# from 9/16/09

Friday, December 18, 2009


15 overhead squats (pvc)
15 box jumps
15 good mornings (45#)
3x3 squat cleans (95#,115#,137#)

3 rounds for time of:
  • 400 meter run
  • 21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
  • 12 pullups
Time 12:49 Rx

I ran the 1st 400 meters in 1:30 which meets the standard of 1:34 for the Level 2 Athlete Test.
Compare to 9/9/09. I shaved 43 seconds off.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

100 Burpee Broad Jumps

5 turkish getups per arm (total of 10 - used 1.5 pood kettlebell & 35# dumbbell)
10 jumping squats
handstand kickup practice

WOD: "100 Burpee Broad Jumps"
100 burpee broad jumps for time & distance

Time 13:30
Distance 7.5 lengths of indoor soccer field + 1 jump

Monday, December 14, 2009

Squat Cleans & Pushups AMRAP

3x8 pvc pass thrus
3x8 overhead squats (pvc)
3x8 pullups
3x8 dumbbell snatch (35#)
5x1 thrusters (135#,155#,175#,195#,205#) - failed 215#

WOD: "Squat Cleans & Pushups AMRAP"
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
  • 5 squat cleans (155#)
  • 15 pushups
5 rounds Rx

Friday, December 11, 2009

4 Round Triplet

3x15 wall ball (20#)
3x15 overhead squats (pvc)
pistol practice
handstand pushup practice

WOD: "4 Round Triplet"
4 rounds of the following (max reps):
  • 45 sec - push press (135#)
  • 45 sec - situps
  • 45 sec - kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
  • 1 min rest
Averaged 45-55 reps per round

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday the 7th


sampson stretches
15 pushups
15 squats
2x5 front squats (95#,115#)
2/5 front squats (185#,200#)

WOD: "Monday the 7th"
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
  • 5 hanging power snatch (65#)
  • 10 wall ball (20#)
  • 15 knees to elbows
7 rounds + snatches - Rx

Friday, December 4, 2009

Old School Obstacle Course

3x15 box jumps
3x15 pushups
3x15 back extensions
4x1 rope climb

WOD: "Old School Obstacle Course"
12 laps Rx using 8 20# & 4 12# medicine balls for time:
  • 3 tire flips (tossing medicine into tire after each flip - large tire Rx)
  • carry medicine ball through entire course
  • over & under a series of hurdles
  • box jumps with medicine ball (5 boxes to clear)
  • drop ball and run back to tire
  • wash, rinse, repeat 11 more times
Medicine balls are distributed as follows (8 20# balls, 4 12# balls)

Time 16:45 Rx

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Overhead Squats

15 dumbbell overhead squats (each arm - 45#)
15 situps
15 pushups
15 pressing snatch balance (45#)
5 overhead squats (67#)
muscle up practice

WOD: "OH Squats"
6 sets of 5,5,5,3,3,3 reps of overhead squats.
  1. 95#
  2. 115#
  3. 135#
  4. 157#
  5. 157#
  6. 157#

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Deadlifts - Pullups

3x15 back extensions
3x15 jumping squats
arm/leg mobility exercises
foam roller work
5x3 hang cleans (67#,117#,139#,159#,175#)

WOD: "Deadlift - Pullups"
9 rounds of deadlifts & pullups with the following reps for time:

9 DL - 1 PU
8 DL - 2 PU
7 DL - 3 PU
6 DL - 4 PU
5 DL - 5 PU
4 DL - 6 PU
3 DL - 7 PU
2 DL - 8 PU
1 DL - 9 PU

Time 9:19 @ 228#

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ring Dips - Box Jumps - Thrusters

10 laps hurdle drills
15 wall ball
15 situps
15 pushups
muscle up practice
1x5 front squats (45#)
3x5 front squats (117#,137#,159#)

WOD: "Ring Dips-Box Jumps-Thrusters"
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
  • 5 box jumps (36")
  • 5 ring dips
  • 5 thrusters (65#)

6 rounds + box jumps - Rx