Warmup:light reps of shoulder press, back squats, and deadlifts
WOD: "
CrossFit Total"
3x1 of shoulder press, back squat, and deadlift to get your 1-rep max lift.
Previous PR on
2/6/09SP 165#
BS 330#
DL 405.5#
Total 900.5#
SP 160#/170# (PR)/175# (Fail) = 170#
BS 315#/335# (PR)/365# (Fail)/345# (PR) = 345#
DL 421# (PR)/426# (Fail) = 421#
Total = 936#
I increased 35.5# from last time so I'm pretty stoked about that. I increased 0.16 # for # to 4.31# for every # of body weight. I could have gotten the 426# deadlift, but my grip failed. Evan showed me some fixes for that, so I'll try those next time. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with my progress. My ultimate goal is to break 1000#. Evan thinks I'll be there in a year. I'm going to try to beat that timeline if I can.