Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

1x5 pullups
1x5 squats
shoulder and leg stretches
pvc passthrus
row 500 meters

Strength: "Clean & Jerk Ladder"
1 C&J per minute every minute increasing the weight by 10# each rep. Quit when you fail 3 attempts.
  1. 135#
  2. 145#
  3. 155#
  4. 165#
  5. 175#
  6. 185#
  7. 195#
  8. 205#
  9. 215#
  10. 225# - failed 3 times
Extra Work:
"11" countdown (10 pushups/1 situp; 9 PU/2SU; etc to 1PU/10SU)
Row 500 meters

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