Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


3x10 over the bar wall ball toss (20#)
3x1 bear crawl (10 meters)
3x10 good mornings (pvc)
3x10 pvc passthrus
overhead squat practice (45#)
1x3 overhead squats (135#)

Complete ladder of overhead squats (95#) and 100 meter runs for time.  Count down from 10 reps (e.g., round 1 is 10 overhead squats and a 100 meter run, round 2 is 9 overhead squats and a 100 meter run.  Go all the way to 1 overhead squat and a 100 meter run.  Score total time.  This will be a total of 55 overhead squats and 1000 meters of running.

Time 16:30 Rx

Again, my slow running affected my time.  I was able to do all unbroken sets of overhead squats.  Another Rx WOD completed though.

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