Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


3x10 partner jumps
3x10 walking lunges
3x10 squats
3 laps of plank hand walk with your feet on a bucket lid slaloming the cones

power clean technique (I did about 10-15 reps with 95# & 145#)

WOD: "RowRowRowRow"
4x 500 meter rows for time with substantial rest between efforts
  1. 1:45.0
  2. 1:54.0
  3. 1:57.6
  4. 152.2

I was happy to keep all four under 2 minutes, although I need to keep them all in the low 1:40's, but I will get back to that soon.

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