Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back Squats & Atlas Stones

track drills
hip mobility stretches (5 minutes against the wall)
1x10 squats (slow and pretty)
2x5 back squats (95#/135#)

5x2 back squats (185#/225#/255#/275#/300#)

Pretty happy with getting to 300# again. I feel much stronger since my injury. I have to keep my core strong to keep away from surgery.

WOD: "Atlas Stones"
Max reps of shouldering a 120# atlas stone in 2 minutes.

Result = 10 reps

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


400 meter run
25 GHD situps
1x5 thrusters (45#)

5x3 thrusters (135#/155#/175#/185#/205#)
205# is a PR

10 rounds with each round starting on the minute (Rx) of:
  • 3 power cleans (185#)
  • 6 clapping pushups
If you miss reps, there is a burpee penalty at the end of the WOD for the # of missed reps.

Result: I completed the WOD Rx with no burpee penalty. I guess this is how you score this one. It's kind of a weird CrossFit WOD. It's like pass or fail. :)

Monday, February 21, 2011


3x7 knees to elbows
3x1 100 meter out n back run

Double under attempts (10/20/30/40) unbroken - situp penalty for missed reps. I ended up doing about 84 situps.

150 wall ball for time (Rx = 20#/10')

Time 9:32 Rx

Friday, February 18, 2011

Get Tired

1x15 pullups
3x15 pushups
3x15 squats
3x15 GHD situps
3x15 back extensions
3x1 samson stretch (each side)

WOD: "Get Tired"
Max flips of largest tire (Rx)

81 flips Rx

Not too bad for an old man. The young buck with the best # was 101.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Run & Do Stuff part 3

3x1 100 meter out and back runs
3x15 barbell hop
3x15 ring rows

Pistol progressions

WOD: "Run & Do Stuff part 3"
4 rounds for time (Rx):
  • 10 wall ball (20#, 10' target)
  • 20 pullups
  • 30 double unders
  • 400 meter run
Time: 37:00 Rx

I'm getting old. I need to dial in my eating to perform better. These running WODS are kicking my tail. At least I can complete them and still work the rest of the day.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Run & Do Stuff part 2

track drills/mobility drills
5 overhead squats (pvc)
hamstring stretch
2x5 press (45#/95#)

5x3 press (135#/145#/155#/165#/165# 2 reps)

WOD: "Run & Do Stuff part 2"
AMRAP in 20 minutes of (Rx):
  • 800 meter run
  • 25 pushups
  • 25 deadlifts (185#)
2 rounds + 400 meter run

Monday, February 14, 2011

Snatch & Pull

4xBurgener warmup
12 pvc pass thrus
4x25 situps

3x5 barbell lunge step-ups (82#/82#/95#)

WOD: "Snatch & Pull"
3 rounds for time (Rx):
  • 5 squat snatch (135#)
  • 15 strict pullups
Time 11:27

I had to switch to jumping pullups from the floor to complete the pullups.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snatch & Row

Burgener warmup
pvc pass thrus
15 situps
2x3 snatch (45#/67#)

5x1 snatch (95#/115#/135#/155#/165#) -failed 175#

WOD: "2x500 meter row"
  1. 1:37 PR
  2. 1:47

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


3x15 knees to elbows
3x15 wall ball (20#)

Atlas stone shouldering (120# stone)

10 rounds for time (rest 1 minute between rounds) of:
  • 5 thrusters (115#)
  • 10 pullups
  • 100 meter run
Time 39:47 Rx

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Run & Do Stuff

15 burpees
15 box jumps (24")
hang snatch practice (pvc/45#/65#/95#)

WOD: "Run & Do Stuff"
Three 4-minute rounds with a consecutive running clock for a total of 12 minutes of work. Score max reps from each round. You can only complete the max reps with the remainder of the 4-minute round after you complete the prescribed run.

  1. Run 200 meters + max rep box jumps (24")
  2. Run 300 meters + max rep hang snatch (95#)
  3. Run 400 meters + max rep burpees

Box jumps = 48
Hang Snatch = 15
Burpees = 15

Total = 78 reps

Monday, February 7, 2011


pvc pass thrus
row squats

WOD: "Row"
Row 3200 meters (2 miles)

Time 17 minutes

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Squat Clean

hurdle drills
track drills
pvc pass thrus

WOD: "Max Weight Squat Cleans"
1 rep each to max squat clean
  1. 135#
  2. 155#
  3. 175#
  4. 195#
  5. 205#
  6. 215# failed
Result 205#

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cleans and Such

pvc passthrus
track mobility drills (high knees, butt kicks, zombie walks)

WOD: "Cleans & Such"
3 rounds for time of (scaled Rx):
  • 6 ring dips + 6 pullups (Rx is 6 muscle ups)
  • 30 wall ball (20#)
  • 12 handstand pushups (scale with box)
  • 15 power cleans (135#)
Time 20:35

I did the ring dips and pullups in place of muscle ups and used the high box for handstand pushups.