Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Friday, August 29, 2008

We Are Spartans!!!

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats
3x15 pushups/kipping pullups

WOD: "300"
  • 50 jumping pullups
  • 50 deadlifts (135 lbs)
  • 50 pushups
  • 50 box jumps
  • 50 situps
  • 50 dumbbell cleans
  • 50 jumping pullups

Time 32:50 min

Technically, this is 350

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FRAN Light

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats
3x15 pushups/kipping pullups

WOD: "Fran Light"
Sets of 21-15-9 reps of jumping pullups and thrusters (55 lbs) for time.

Time 6:05

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Means of Grace

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats
3x15 pushups/kipping pullups

WOD: "Grace"
30 clean & jerks for time.

Time 6:32 min at 115lbs

Monday, August 25, 2008

Snatch & Run

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats
3x15 pushups/kipping pullups

WOD: "Snatch & Run"
3 sets of 21-15-9 reps of snatches & 3x5 laps running for time.

Time 14:01

Friday, August 22, 2008

Get Tired

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 pushups
3x15 air squats

WOD: "Get Tired"

Flip giant tire down length of field. AMRAP in 10 minutes

3.25 lengths

Friday, August 15, 2008

Danny's Assortment of Flexible Fun

Danny put us through a ton of flexibility movements on the turf

WOD: "Danny's Assortment of Flexible Fun"
  1. 4x25 kettlebell swings (25lb) + 4x15 pushups
  2. Plank - hold for 1 minute
  3. 4x30 jumping pullups + 4x1 laps around the turf

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Outrunning the G.C.

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 pushups
3x15 air squats

WOD: "21-9-6"
Three sets of 21-9-6 reps of:
400m run
Weighted burpees

Time 21:22 min

I beat George by 1 second.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sets of Three

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats
3x15 pushups

WOD: "3 sets of 3"
Shoulder Press - 105 lbs
Push Press - 125 lbs
Snatch - 125 lbs

Friday, August 8, 2008


3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats
3x15 pushups

WOD: "Countdown 10 to 1"
10 set countdown of 10 to 1 reps of three exercises for time. Exercises are sumo dead lift high pull, dumbbell squats (each arm), and box jumps.

Time 17:55 minutes

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Playing cards with George

Jog 1 mile
3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions

WOD: "Deck of Cards"
Work through a deck of cards with a different exercise for each suit. The # on the card equals the # of reps. Royalty and Aces equal 10 reps each.
  • Box Jumps (hearts)
  • Jumping Pullups (spades)
  • Pushups (diamonds)
  • Air squats (clubs)
  • Weighted sled pull (jokers)

I split the deck with George. Time was 24 min.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My 1st Total...

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 air squats

WOD: "Crossfit Total"
  • Shoulder Press - 117/167 missed/137 = 137 lbs
  • Back Squat - 235/285/305 = 305 lbs
  • Dead Lift - 225/269/313 = 313 lbs
  • Total = 755 lbs

This was my first attempt at a crossfit total. The goal is to reach 1,000 lbs.