Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Team Chipper

run 5 laps
2x10 wall ball (20#)
2x10 pushups
2x10 overhead squats (pvc)

WOD: "Team Chipper"
With a partner for time:
  • 75 knees to elbows
  • 75 box jumps (24" M / 20" W)
  • 75 dumbbell push press/jerk (40# M / 25# W) - I used 45# dumbbells
  • 75 wall ball (20# M / 12# W)
  • 75 thrusters (95# M / 65# W)
  • 75 pullups
  • 75 burpees
  • 1 lap weighted overhead walking lunges (45# M / 25# W)
Time with Wonder Woman 53:06 Rx+

Friday, August 28, 2009

Slam Ball Burpees

2x10 knees to elbows
2x10 pushups
2x10 front squats (pvc)
back squat depth drills
3x5 back squats (185#/135#/185#)

WOD: "Slam Ball Burpees"
Three sets of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
  • slam ball (20# medicine ball)
  • burpees
Time 5:49 Rx

Thursday, August 27, 2009


high kicks
peeing dogs
reverse peeing dogs
high knee extensions
skip jumps
80% sprints

WOD: "Bolt"
10 rounds of:
  • 10 wall balls (20#)
  • 60 meter sprint
2 minute recovery between rounds. Record time splits and try not to fall off each round.

  1. 26 seconds
  2. 25 seconds
  3. 25 seconds
  4. 24.5 seconds
  5. 24 seconds
  6. 25 seconds
  7. 24.5 seconds
  8. 25.5 seconds
  9. 24 seconds
  10. 24 seconds
Total 247.5 seconds

Pretty proud of myself on this one for keeping on pace with each round.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Deadlift - Burpee Broad Jump - Double Unders

2x15 knees to elbows
2x15 situps
muscle up progression practice
3x5 shoulder press (125#/135#/140#)

WOD: "Deadlift - Burpee Broad Jump - Double Under"
3 rounds for time:
  • 10 deadlifts (225#)
  • 40 meter burpee broad jumps
  • 20 double unders
  • 40 meter sprint
Time 15:21 Rx

The double unders really slowed me down, but I did them all. I even strung 4 or 5 together a couple of times.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Squat Cleans + Pullups

2x15 good mornings
2x15 squat cleans (pvc)
2x16 posterior reach

WOD: "Squat Cleans/Pullups"
5 rounds with a continuous clock:
  • 1 minute squat cleans (135#)
  • 1 minute pullups
  • 1 minute rest
  1. 5 squat cleans - 15 pullups - Rx
  2. 5 squat cleans - 11 pullups - Rx
  3. 5 squat cleans - 12 pullups - Rx
  4. 5 squat cleans - 12 pullups - Rx
  5. 5 squat cleans - 12 pullups - Rx

Monday, August 24, 2009

CrossFit Total

run 400 meters
1x5 shoulder press (95#)
1x5 back squat (225#)
1x5 deadlift (275#)

WOD: "CrossFit Total"
Compare to 6/22/09

SP 175#(f)/170#/175# = 175# PR (prev PR 170#)
BS 345#/355#(f)/350#(f) = 345# (no change)
DL 430#(f)/430#/435# = 435# PR (prev PR 425#)

Total 955#

I will post a video soon

Thursday, August 20, 2009

800 Meter Repeats

1x15 situps
1x15 pushups
1x15 box jumps

WOD: "800 Meter Repeats"
Four 800M Efforts with a 1:2 work to rest ratio. This means that given a 3:00 Min 800M run, a runner will rest 6:00 prior to their second effort.

My Efforts:


Total 14:30 (avg 7.5 min mile)


LT, you got me by 2 seconds in total.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Farmer's Carry

row 500 meters
3x10 dumbbell snatches
3x10 squats
3x5 overhead squats (135#/135#/135#) - worked on depth

WOD: "Farmer's Carry"
AMRAP in 6 minutes:
  • 200 ft farmer's carry (45#) - I used 2 55# dumbbells
  • 25 double unders OR 75 singles
3.75 rounds as Rx+

Also, came in 2nd on the farmer's carry foot race, but I was carrying 20#'s more than the guy who beat me. I came in ahead of him in the WOD.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


3x15 overhead squats (pvc)
3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 pushups
5x3 deadlifts (315#/325#/335#/345#/355#)

WOD: "Thrusters/K2E"
3 rounds for time of:
  • 15 thrusters (115#)
  • 15 knees to elbows
Time 9:56 Rx

Today was a “finisher” for me. Heavy deadlifts for warmups do not make for fast metcons, although I do like the heavy lifts in the warmup. I feel like I am getting a well-rounded workout each day. BUT, if any of you want to race, I’m skipping the heavy lifting first unless you do it too. :-)

AND, unobserved WOD’s at Nissan don’t count. :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009


5x hurdle hops
5x plank walk
4x rope climb

WOD: "200"

For time:
  • 50 weighted box jumps (45#)
  • 50 kettlebell swings (1 pood) - I used 1.5 pood
  • 50 wall ball (20#)
  • 50 pullups
Time 21:21 Rx+

Friday, August 14, 2009

Widow Maker

3x15 squats
3x15 situps
2x15 pullups
2x15 ring dips
AMRAP in 7 minutes of
  • 20 overhead walking lunges (45#)
  • 10 hanging power snatches (45#)
3 rounds as Rx

WOD: "Widow Maker"
20 uninterrupted reps of back squat at 60% of 1-rep max
My 1-rep max is 345# so 60% = 207#
I used 210# for the WOD

I completed the set with little trouble so I did another set. Total of 2 sets of 20 reps each @ 210#.

Evan saw this was relatively easy and upped the percentages on the blog to 70%-80% to compensate. I imagine everyone else will only do 1 set.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pressing a Little

1x15 push jerk practice (pvc)
1x15 handstand pushup practice
1x15 weighted back extensions (45#)
1x15 partner leg raises

WOD: "Press"
5x1 shoulder press
5x3 push press
5x5 push jerk

I kind of did my own thing today because I needed a little rest from this week. So I pressed, but not to the extent that the wod calls for.

SP 165#/170#/175# (failed) - met my 1-rep PR of 170#
PP 155#/185#/195# (failed) - met my 3-rep PR of 185#
PJ 195# (1 rep)

I also power cleaned 195# which is a new PR for me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Deck of Cards

3x15 gh situps
3x15 kettlebell swings (55#)
1x15 overhead squats (pvc)
1x10 snatch balance (pvc)

WOD: "Deck of Cards"
Work through all 52 cards of a poker deck performing the exercises associated with each suit and the number of reps.

Aces = 11 reps
Face Cards = 10 reps
# Cards = reps are the # on the card

Hearts = Box Jumps
Spades = Pushups
Clubs = Pullups
Diamonds = Squats

This works out to 95 reps of each exercise. This is for time.

Time 23:00 as Rx

My goal was to beat Charlton's time of 24:54. Last time I did this was 6/9/09 with a time of 28:16.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Wall Ball Push Press

2x20 meter high knee run
2x20 meter high knee strideouts
2x20 meter squat pivots
2x20 meter karaokes
3x3 deadlift (265#/331#/375#)

WOD: "Double Wall Ball Push Press"
5 rounds for time of:
  • 10 double wall ball shots (12#)
  • 5 push press (135#)
Time 7:15

Had to clean the 135# barbell before each set of push press, so add 5 reps of that to the WOD.

Monday, August 10, 2009

200th WOD

Agility drills
3x5 back squats (185#/235#/255#)

WOD: "Sprawl"
5 rounds of AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
  • 6 snatches per arm (55# kettlebell)
  • 5 sprawl to sumo deadlift high pull (55# kettlebell)
  • 4 ring dips
  1. 1 round + 6 snatches
  2. 1 round
  3. 1 round
  4. 1 round
  5. 1 round
This was one was brutal. The heavy one-armed snatches were killing my elbows and wrists. Anyhow, this was my 200th WOD so, all things considered, it wasn't 200 burpees for time.

Friday, August 7, 2009


3x15 ring pushups
3x15 pullups
2x15 situps
2x15 back extensions
2x15 medicine ball cleans (20#)

Compare to 4/24/09 & 1/21/09.

5 sets of 7 reps of the following lift progression:
  • power clean
  • front squat
  • push press
  • back squat
  • push press
  • tap barbell on floor and start next rep
There is no resting the barbell on the ground between reps. However, you can rest between sets. Try to increase weight with each set.

  1. 95#
  2. 115#
  3. 125#
I only had time to get 3 sets in before I had to go. However, the last time I did Bear, I topped out at 105#. So today was a great improvement. If you want to see a video demonstrating this WOD, click on the 1/21/09 link above.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


3x15 knees to elbows
3x15 box jumps (24")
3x15 overhead squats (PVC)
1x5 press (45#)

WOD: "4x5 Press"
4 sets of 5 reps each increasing weight each set
  1. 115#
  2. 135#
  3. 145#
  4. 150# (3 reps) 135# (2 reps)
Couldn't quite push 150# 5 times so I had to drop back to 135# to finish the last set. Getting stronger, though. Should help out on my total next time. Have to keep working on press.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


3x15 back extensions
3x15 kettlebell swings (36#)
15 pullups
3 snatches (95#)

This WOD is in honor of Drew & Jenny's new kid, Lucy. She was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long.

Total clock of 20 minutes:
  • Run 1 mile
  • AMRAP - 7 wall ball shots (20#) + 11 GH situps
8 rounds as Rx

I ran the fastest mile I have ever ran (right at 8 minutes) and then completed 8 rounds in the remaining time. Works out to 56 wall ball shots and 88 situps.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


3x6 kettlebell press (25#/36#/45#) - each arm
3x15 weighted twisting walking lunges (40# dumbbell)
3x10 medicine ball dumbbell press (40#) - each arm
25 double unders (practice - actually got 3 in a row)
sampson stretch

For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of sumo deadlift high pull (95#) & knees to elbows

Time 9:47 Rx

Monday, August 3, 2009

“So a bear, a worm, and a crab walked into a bar.”

3x15 situps
3x15 back extensions
3x15 pushups
3x15 squats

WOD: "So a bear, a worm, and a crab walked into a bar"
For time:
  • 21 burpees
  • 40 meter bear crawl
  • 15 box jumps (36" box - I added a 25# plate to the box to make it higher)
  • 40 meter inch-worm crawl
  • 9 clean & jerks (135#)
  • 40 meter crab walk
Time 10:57 Rx+