Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


row 500 meters (1:44)
15 pvc pass thrus
10 back hip mobility
10 front hip mobility
10 squat stretches
handstand walk progressions

WOD: "Failure"
For time:
50 thrusters (95#)
At the top of each minute, complete 4 burpees.

I completed 30 thrusters and 24 burpees in about 6 minutes before getting sick and failing. Could not complete the workout.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


3x10 partner jumps
3x10 walking lunges
3x10 squats
3 laps of plank hand walk with your feet on a bucket lid slaloming the cones

power clean technique (I did about 10-15 reps with 95# & 145#)

WOD: "RowRowRowRow"
4x 500 meter rows for time with substantial rest between efforts
  1. 1:45.0
  2. 1:54.0
  3. 1:57.6
  4. 152.2

I was happy to keep all four under 2 minutes, although I need to keep them all in the low 1:40's, but I will get back to that soon.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


row a little bit
1x10 squats
1 squat clean (65#)
high knees
butt kicks
zombie walks

WOD: "Progression"
Get as many reps as possible in the time allowed:
  • 5 minutes of rowing for max calories
  • 4 minutes of squat cleans (65#)
  • 3 minutes of pushups
  • 2 minutes of box jumps (24")
  • 1 minute of double unders

I mixed in some level 2 & 3 with the level 1 items due to my surgery restrictions. I did the weights/sizes listed above.

  • 78 calories (1233 meters)
  • 27 squat cleans
  • 40 pushups
  • 22 box jumps
  • 21 double unders

Total = 188 reps

Monday, November 21, 2011


3x10 good mornings
3x10 back extensions
3x500 meter row
Follow the Leader:
  • 15 squats
  • 15 box jumps
  • 15 mountain climbers
  • 15 situps
  • 15 jump rope
  • 15 pushups
  • 15 lunges
  • 15 something else i can't remember
WOD: "Assorted"

Three sets of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
  • double unders
  • squats
  • situps
Time 5:19

This is obviously not the Rx workout at the gym for today. This was my first time back in since surgery and I needed to keep the strain down on my face. This rules out weights and hanging from bars. I will have to severely modify for a while.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


7 minute AMRAP of
  • 10 box jumps (24")
  • 10 lunges
  • 10 jumping pull ups
  • 10 situps
completed 3 rounds plus 10 box jumps

WOD: "Kettlebells"
5 rounds of 1 minute kettlebell swings. You must get 30 reps per round. Any missed reps garners a 3 pushup penalty. Choose kettlebell weight wisely.

  1. 30 @ 1.5 pood
  2. 28 @ 1.5 pood
  3. 22 @ 1.5 pood
  4. 25 @ 1 pood
  5. 23 @ 1 pood
I missed a total of 22 reps so I had to complete 66 pushups. Since I am off for the next two weeks due to surgery, I completed an additional 66 situps.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Row & Snatch

partner jumps (3 sets)
snatch practice (45#)
snatch (2 reps @ 95#)
set of double unders

LinkWOD: "Row & Snatch"
For time:
  • row 1000 meters
  • 30 power snatch (95#)
Time 8:13 Rx

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Burpees and Stuff`

run 400 meters
shoulder mobility stretches using bands

WOD: "Burpees and Stuff"
For time. 10 rounds of 8 burpees + 8 pullups.
Rest 1 minutes between rounds.
Each broken set gets a 200 meter penalty per round to be paid at the end of ten rounds.

Time 34:19

I had 1200 meters of rowing to pay for. I also had to switch to jumping pullups in round 6 because I couldn't get myself over the bar any longer. I counted those as broken rounds.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


3x10 wall ball (20#)
3x10 burpees

WOD: "Chipper"
For time:
  • 15 standing rope climbs
  • 20 boxed hand stand push ups
  • 30 box jumps (24")
  • 40 pushups
  • 50 squats
  • 60 situps
  • 140 singles (rope)
Time 21:24

First time back in a while.