Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

OHS & KB Swings

run 400 meters
15 pvc pass thrus
box stretches (5 minutes)
30 reach & rolls
10 overhead squats (pvc)
10 overhead squats (45#)
5 overhead squats (95#)

10 turkish getups (5 per arm)
  • 1 pood kettlebell (3 reps per arm)
  • 1.5 pood kettlebell (1 rep per arm)
  • 45# barbell (1 rep per arm)
3,3,3,1,1,1,1 overhead squats
  • 95# - 3 reps
  • 145# - 3 reps
  • 165# - 3 reps
  • 175# - 1 rep
  • 185# - 1 rep
  • 195# - 1 rep
  • 205# - 1 rep
WOD: "100 KB"
100 kettlebell swings for time (1.5 pood Rx)

Time 5:43 Rx

This marks my 3rd year with CrossFit. Not a shabby day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

BEAR Complex

run 400 meters
various hurdle drills
double under practice
shoulder stretches
20 pvc pass thrus
pvc bear complex practice

WOD: "BEAR Complex"

5 Rounds, each with 7 sets of the following sequence:

Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press.

*The weight cannot be dropped but there is no time constraint. Start light and work up to a max.

  1. 95#
  2. 105#
  3. 115#
  4. 125#
  5. 95#
Shoulder was screaming from chiropractic work this morning so I swallowed my pride and reduced the weight for the last round. I did finish all rounds with unbroken sets. Shoulder was sore for the evening.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


2 minute total of L-sit/rock 2 cradle (ab work)

Skill: 3xmax rep pullups (10/10/butterfly pullup practice)

Strength: 4x3 push press (105#/135#/185#/225#) PR

WOD: "6/22/11"
5 rounds for time of:
  • 5 push press (135# Rx)
  • 10 box jumps (24" Rx)
  • 1 minute mandatory rest between rounds
Total time 5:42 Rx

This includes the 4 minutes of mandatory rest between rounds which means I had 1:42 of total work to complete this WOD (avg 20.4 seconds per round). I'm pretty happy with that. I really like this WOD.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Bergener warmup w/ snatch balance and power snatch

3x3 snatch balance (45#/65#/95#)

WOD: "6/20/11"
For time:
  • run 800 meters
  • 30 power snatch (80# - level 2)
  • run 800 meters
Time 12:43