Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Friday, May 21, 2010


15 kettlebell snatch (each arm)
15 knee jumps to OH squat
15 back extensions
clean and jerk practice (95#/115#/135#)

5 rounds of 3 min AMRAP of:
  • 3 cleans (135#)
  • 6 pushups
  • 9 squats
Rest 1 minute between each round.

  1. 3 rounds
  2. 3 rounds + 2 cleans
  3. 3 rounds
  4. 3 rounds
  5. 3 rounds + cleans + 2 pushups
Total Reps
cleans = 45 reps
pushups = 92 reps
squats = 135 reps

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