Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Level 1 Athlete Testing

sampson stretches
pvc pass thrus
muscle up practice

WOD: "Level 1 Athlete Testing"

Completed 13 events for the Level 1 Athlete test today instead of the WOD. Many thanks to Hughey for juggling a lot of events and training folks in the WOD as well.

Should have that Level 1 t-shirt by the end of the week so Dr. NoNo should get busy designing it.

Here’s what I did today:
50 free squats
10 pushups
30-sec static hang (actually 35 secs)
30 situps
.75 body-weight deadlift (actually lifted 245#)
.25 body-weight military press (actually lifted 125#)
10 knees to chest
25 wallball shots (20# ball)
500 meter row (1:42 – benchmark was 1:55)
10-inch vertical jump (actually did 12″ on one foot)
3 dips (did 3 ring dips)
3 pullups
10 second L-sit

I have two more events to pass Level 1 and 4 more events to move to Level 2.

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