Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Chris (32 M 211.5 5.10)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


  • 10 burpees
  • 30 walking lunges
  • 5 cartwheels
  • power clean warmup
1 rep every 45 seconds for a total of 8 reps.  Each rep consists of 155# power clean, hang squat clean, and push jerk.

WOD:  "Tuesday"
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
  • 3 squat cleans (135# Rx)
  • 30 double unders (Rx)
I completed 3 full rounds plus 3 squat cleans.  I felt old and tired.  It's tough getting back into this level of work after playing softball exclusively for 3 months.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ungodly Chipper

  • Hurdle drills
  • Track drills
  • Scorpion stretches
  • Various lifting warmups
WOD:  "Terrible"

This is a team WOD (I teamed up with Tiffany Shipp).

  1. Run 1600 meters & row 2000 meters.  Partners can work at same time.
  2. 80 deadlifts (185/115).  Only one at a time.
  3. 30 hang cleans (135/95).  Only one at a time.
  4. 300 double unders.  Only one at a time.
Every two-minute interval, stop what you are doing and complete the following before continuing chipper:
  • 1st/6th interval - 20 burpees
  • 2nd/7th interval - 20 box jumps
  • 3rd/8th interval - 20 HSPU/pushups
  • 4th/9th interval - 20 kettlebell swings
  • 5th/10th interval - 20 pullups
Time 44:11

This was my first time back in a while.  I ended up rowing all 2000 meters while T2 ran the mile.  We split the intervals evenly.  After the 10th interval, they expired (thank goodness).  I switched to 135 on deadlift after the first 20 reps.  We split those 40/40.  I completed 10 hang cleans & T2 took care of the rest.  She was unable to get her double unders working, so we did 900 singles instead.  I probably did 500-600 of those and she completed the rest.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Chipper AMRAP

run 400 meters
15 squats
15 kettlebell swings (1 pood)

WOD:  "Chipper AMRAP"
AMRAP in 20 minutes of the following rounds:

Round 1 - 30' broad jumps + 20 kettlebell high pulls (2 pood) + 10 overhead lunges (45#)
Round 2 - 60' broad jumps + 40 kettlebell high pulls (2 pood) + 20 overhead lunges (45#)
Round 3 - 120' broad jumps + 80 kettlebell high pulls (2 pood) + 40 overhead lunges (45#)
Round 4 - 240' broad jumps + 160 kettlebell high pulls (2 pood) + 80 overhead lunges (45#)

I completed 3 rounds.  In addition to the 3 rounds, due to a clock malfunction, I completed 30' broad jumps, 20 kettlebell high pulls (2 pood), and 4 overhead lunges (45#).  All in all, 240' of broad jumps, 160 kettlebell high pulls, & 74 overhead lunges.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


row 750 meters
15 pushups
15 squats

7x2 push press  (185#/205#/210#/215#/220#/225#/230#F)

WOD:  "Work"
12 minute AMRAP of:
  • Bear Crawl (50 meters)
  • 5 tire flips (double red)
  • 10 burpees
  • 15 wall ball (20#)
  • 2 laps weighted carry (266 meters & 45# plate)
I made it two complete rounds.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Business After Hours

2x10 kettlebell front squats (2 pood)
2x10 box jumps (20")

WOD:  "Business After Hours"

12 minute AMRAP of:
  • 10 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
  • weighted bag walking lunges to box
  • 10 box jumps (20")
  • weighted bag walking lunges to kettlebell
4 rounds plus kettlebell swings

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


run 1 lap (133 meters)
5 over the bar wall balls (20#)
5 burpees
run 2 laps (266 meters)
10 over the bar wall balls (20#)
10 burpees
run 3 laps (400 meters)
15 over the bar wall balls (20#)
15 burpees

For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45lbs)
30 pull-ups

Time was around 11 minutes.  I can't remember for sure.  Guess I'll have to do it again.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Another Triplet

3 rounds of:
  • Run 1 lap (133 meters)
  • 5 pullups
  • 10 pushups
  • 15 squats
3 strict pullups
Deadlift warmup (185#)

WOD:  "Another Triplet"

3 Rounds for Time (Rx):
9 Deadlifts (185/135)
12 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps (24/20)

Time 9:02 - I had to sub situps for the 3rd round of T2B because my grip was failing.  Everything else was Rx.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Track drills
Squat clean practice

WOD:  "Triplet"

Level 2 Intermediate:
Run 400m (3 Laps Indoor)
12 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
Min 4, 8, 12 &16 stop and do 10 burpees

 Two complete rounds plus 40 burpees plus 400 meters plus 3 squat cleans.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Clean ladder

row 500 meters (1:57)
10 wall balls
2 lengths zombie walks
10 spiderman stretches
2 power cleans (115#)

WOD:  "Clean Ladder"
Clean ladder from CrossFit Games:
 One clean every thirty seconds
 Men’s weights- 145#- 215# in 10# jumps
 Women’s weights- 75#- 145# in 10# jumps
*Once you hit failure, do as many deadlifts with the failed weight as the remaining time allows

I started with 145# and failed at 225# so I performed 8 deadlifts at 225#.

Also rowed 2000 meters in 8:47.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Snatch & Jump

3x10 wall ball (20#)
3x10 box jumps (20")
3x10 sumo deadlift high pulls (1 pood kettlebell)
5 snatch (95#)

WOD:  "Snatch & Jump"
Three sets for time of 21-15-9 rep scheme of
  • power snatch (95#)
  • over the box jumps (20")
Time 9:49

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lots of Squats

run 400 meters
10 pvc passthrus
10 pvc overhead squats
foam rolling
5 overhead squats (45#)
5 front squats (45#)
5 back squats (45#)
15 reps @ 95# (5 OHS/5 FS/5 BS)

3x3 overhead squats
3x3 front squats
3x3 back squats

increase weight each set

OHS   135#/155#/175#
FS       195#/205#/215#
BS      225#/245#/265#

CrossFit Site

Monday, June 25, 2012

Power Cleans

foam roll for 2 minutes
row 500 meters
25 kettlebell swings
15 pvc passthrus
group mobility drills

2-2-2-2-2 power cleans
  1. 165#
  2. 185#
  3. 205#
  4. 215#
  5. 225#/220# (failed)
I can't seem to get past the 215# mental block.

WOD:  "Burpee AMRAP"
AMRAP in 10 minutes of 10 pullups + 10 burpees

Completed 3 rounds plus 10 pullups + 2 burpees = 72 reps

Saturday, June 9, 2012


3x10 over the bar wall ball toss (20#)
3x1 bear crawl (10 meters)
3x10 good mornings (pvc)
3x10 pvc passthrus
overhead squat practice (45#)
1x3 overhead squats (135#)

Complete ladder of overhead squats (95#) and 100 meter runs for time.  Count down from 10 reps (e.g., round 1 is 10 overhead squats and a 100 meter run, round 2 is 9 overhead squats and a 100 meter run.  Go all the way to 1 overhead squat and a 100 meter run.  Score total time.  This will be a total of 55 overhead squats and 1000 meters of running.

Time 16:30 Rx

Again, my slow running affected my time.  I was able to do all unbroken sets of overhead squats.  Another Rx WOD completed though.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Too Many Box Jumps

Row 500 meters
20 double unders
15 kettlebell swings (1 pood)
10 wall ball shots (20#)

WOD:  "Too Many Box Jumps"
20 Deadlifts 135#
30 Box Jumps 24"
20 Hang Cleans 135#
30 Box Jumps 24"
20 Push Jerks 135#
30 Box Jumps 24"

Time 12:29 Rx

 My philosophy as I have grown old and fat is to perform as many Rx workouts as I can, as fast as I can, but with the end goal of completing the WOD.  My times may be a bit slower as I get back in shape.  Hopefully WOD's like this will become increasingly quicker.  I realize that I cannot keep up with the young guys, but maybe I can hang in there with them.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


row 500 meters (under 2 minutes)
20 minutes stretching
10 thrusters (45#)

21,15 and 9 of:
Thrusters (95/65)
Pull Ups

Time 11:50 Rx


Monday, June 4, 2012

TABATA Something Else

2 rounds of:
run 400 meters carrying 20# medicine ball
at each corner perform one of the following sets with medicine ball (rotating through them)
10 squats
10 medicine ball cleans
10 rocket jumps
10 medicine ball pushups

WOD:  "TABATA Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Total reps = 206

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clean & Jerks

10 pvc pass thrus
15 pvc overhead squats
25 kettlebell swings (1 pood)
12-15 reps of clean and jerk clinic

Take 15 minutes to find 1RM on clean and jerks


My 1RM was 215# and I appear to be stuck at this weight after reviewing previous posts.  I failed at 225# a number of times.  I think I can get it if I can just get under it.

WOD #1:  "Clean & Jerks"
Using 80% of the above 1RM, perform 3 Clean and Jerks a Min each Minute for 9 Min(Rx)

80% of 215# = 172#.  I used 175# because it was easier to build.

WOD #2:  "Row 1000 meters"
Row 1000 meters for time.

Time 4:15 - I used damper setting 6 and kind of took my time.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fight Gone Bad

rode bike to box from work (approx 1.75 miles)
10 pushups
10 squats
5 sumo deadlift high pulls (75#)

WOD:  "Fight Gone Bad"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Wall Ball          30/12/13
SDHP              20/12/10
Box Jumps       20/10/10
Push Press       20/10/20
Row                13/8/9

Total 217 reps

Biked 8 miles home

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jump & Run

jog half mile
squat clinic

5 sets of squat complex (do not put down barbell b/w reps)
  • 1 power clean
  • 1 hanging squat clean
  • 1 front squat
  • 1 split jerk
  1. 65#
  2. 95#
  3. 135#
  4. 155#
  5. 155#
WOD:  "Jump & Lunge"
10 minute AMRAP of:
  • 10 over the box jumps (20")
  • 10 walking lunges (45# bumper plate overhead)
5 rounds plus 5 jumps = 105 total reps

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Partner WOD

I rode my bike to work (9 miles), then rode to CFM after work (2 miles), then home after the WOD (8 miles).  I didn't make it to the box in time for warmup.

WOD:  "Partner WOD"
In teams of 2 with only 1 member working at a time complete the following work:
Row 1000M
20 Tire Flip Jump Throughs
Row 2000M
20 Tire Flip Jump Throughs
Run 800M
20 Tire Flip Jump Throughs
Run 1 Mile.
20 Tire Flip Jump Throughs
*Remember, This work is completed by a team.  If the work is split evenly, each team member will complete 40 Tire Flip Jump Throughs , run 3/4 of a mile and row 1500M (Level 3).  Minimum Run leg for any individual is 400M.

Time 36:04 Rx - I worked with a guy named Mark.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


20 meters of bear crawl, various hops with 4 points of impact, high knee stretches
10 kettlebell swings

WOD:  "Saturday"
For time:

Run 800 m
42 Kb swings
24 pushups
Run 400 m
21 Kb swings
12 pushups
Run 200 m
10 Kb Swings
6 Pushups

Time 15:29

I completely made this my own from the original WOD at the box.  Nursing various ailments and easing back into working out after an extended hiatus.  Anyway, it worked for me.

Monday, March 19, 2012

400M Splits

row 500 meters (1:52)
-2 rounds pullups (8/6)
-2 rounds squats (12/12)
-2 rounds hand release pushups (10/10)
-2 rounds situps (10/10)

2x5 per side unbroken of turkish getups (1 pood)

WOD: "400 meter Splits"
  1. 1:17
  2. 1:47
  3. 1:55
  4. 1:55

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


run 400 meters
row 250 meters
10 air squats (2 seconds at bottom)
10 pressing snatch balance (45#)
10 overhead squats (45#)
10 hang snatch (45#)

5 rounds for time of:
  • run 400 meters
  • 15 overhead squats (95# from ground)
Time 21:34 Rx

Friday, February 10, 2012


row 500 meters (1:55 - stayed under 21 rpm)
pvc pass thrus

1RM on snatch (95#/115#/135#/155#/175#F)

WOD: "Friday"
Three sets of 21-15-9 reps of:
  • overhead squats (135# from floor)
  • row for calories
Time 9:03

Thursday, February 9, 2012


50 double unders
2 lengths of butt kicks, power skips, zombie walk, knee hugs, and inch worm pushups
15 pvc pass thrus
push press warmup

Push Press (10 reps/8 reps/6 reps/4 reps/2 reps). Start high and increase with each set.
  • 10 reps @ 135#
  • 8 reps @ 155#
  • 6 reps @ 175#
  • 4 reps @ 195#
  • 2 reps @ 215#
Rx is 8 rounds of 20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest per event. Events are pullups, pushups, situps, and squats. Due to lack of time, I completed 4 rounds of each (level 1).

Pullups (10/5/5/5)
Pushups (10/9/9/9)
Situps (7/7/7/7)
Squats (12/11/10/10)

Total reps = 133 reps

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


3 rounds of
  • 1 minute max reps of burpee box jumps (24") - (10/8/8)
  • 1 minute max calories on rower - (20/20/20)
3,3,3,1,1,1 weighted pullups

I did strict pullups figuring my gut was weight enough.

WOD: "2/8/12"
8 rounds for time of:
  • 3 power cleans (135#)
  • 5 bar facing burpees
  • 7 knees to elbows
  • 30 second rest
Time 12:23 - I performed at level 2

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


2xTABATA jumping jacks
2xTABATA mountain climbers
a lot of stretches

WOD: "2/1/12"
Three sets of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
  • deadlift (225#)
  • box jumps (24")

Time 7:04 Rx

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


row 500 meters (completed in 1:54 staying under 19 rpm)
2x10 pvc passthrus

15 minutes to find 1RM on split jerk - 245# (failed at 275#)

3 rounds for time of
  • 400 meter run
  • 21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
  • 12 pullups
Time 16:04 Rx

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Team Tires

2x10 walking lunges
2x10 slam balls (20#)
2x10 tire flips

WOD: "Team Tires"
For time with a partner, flip large and tire and jump through 100 times.

Time 11:53

After we were finished, we flipped it 20 more times for fun.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lunch Chipper

row 500 meters
pushup touch practice

WOD: "Lunch Chipper"
For time:
  • 30 pushup touches (45 degree angle against wall - touch same shoulder)
  • 20 double unders
  • 40 knees to elbows
  • 40 double under
  • 50 push press (45#)
  • 60 double unders
Time 13:01

I did level 2 today because level 3 had sets of unbroken double unders and I am good to get all the reps in as it is.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cleans & Situps

shoulder band stretches
pvc pass thrus

4x5 overhead squats (95#/115#/135#/135#)

WOD: "Cleans & Situps"
10 minute AMRAP of
  • 10 power cleans (135#)
  • 10 standing situps (12# counterweight)
4 rounds + 10 power cleans + 2 standing situps

In addition, I rowed 1000 meters.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More RUN & ROW

2 rounds of
  • 25 double unders
  • 20 walking lunges
  • 15 GHD situps
5 more GHD situps
track drill
hang upside down from rack for a bit

WOD: "Run or Row"
Athletes can either run this series or choose to row.
For time:
  • 200 meters
  • 400 meters
  • 600 meters
  • 800 meters
  • 600 meters
  • 400 meters
  • 200 meters
Rest time should be at most the time of your split. Total distance is 3,200 meters or about two miles.

Time 31:13 including rests. I know its slow. I am not a strong runner.

Because I wanted a little bit more, I did the row option as well, except I did four splits of 800 meters each.

Time 14:53

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


5 minute AMRAP of Cindy (did 3 rounds)
  • 5 pullups
  • 10 pushups
  • 15 squats
1x5 front squats (45#)

5x5 front squats (95#/115#/135#/155#/175#)
5x10 pushups (in between sets of front squats)

Sets of 10 to 1 reps (totalling 55 reps on each exercise) of
  • kettlebell swings (2 pood)
  • Batman Situps (hanging upside down from bar by your feet)
  • box jumps (24")
  • double unders (unbroken sets)
Time 19:03
I did the first set of Batman situps (10 reps) then switched to regular situps the rest of the WOD. All else Rx.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Row 5K

2 rounds each of TABATA
  • jumping jacks
  • squats
  • situps
  • pushups
leg swings

WOD: "Row 5K"
Row 5,000 meters for time

Time 22:33

Thursday, January 12, 2012


3 sets of 21-15-9 reps of
  • pvc pass thrus
  • double unders
  • leg swings (each leg)
  • scorpion stretch
5 back squats (95#)
shoulder mobility

Row as far as you can using only 10 pulls. Repeat for 5 rounds.
  1. 248 meters (damper set to 8)
  2. 254 meters (damper set to 8.5) - I think I won :)
  3. 247 meters (damper set to 9)
  4. 252 meters (damper set to 8.5)
  5. 249 meters (damper set to 8)
WOD: "Squat/Row"
3 sets of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
  • overhead squats (115# Rx)
  • row for calories
Time 7:54 Rx

I set the damper to 8.5 on the rower. I was able to perform the first set of squats unbroken. On the second set, I split the reps 8 & 7, but I completed the last set unbroken. I think I was only 1 of 3 who actually completed this Rx. I think I came in 2nd.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


2 rounds of:
  • kong crawl (10 meters forward)
  • kong crawl (10 meters backward)
  • 15 ghd situps
  • 15 ghd back extensions
Bench Press (5,5,5,3,3,3)
  1. 155# (5 reps)
  2. 175# (5 reps)
  3. 185# (5 reps)
  4. 205# (3 reps)
  5. 215# (1 rep - 2 reps assisted)
  6. 210# (3 reps)
WOD: "5 minute Jumble"
For max reps:
  • 1 minute of box jumps (24")
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute of burpees
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute of pushups
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute of pullups
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute of double unders
box jumps = 24 reps
burpees = 13 reps
pushups = 25 reps
pullups = 15 reps
double unders = 40 reps
total = 117 reps

Thursday, January 5, 2012


row 500 meters
3x15 GHD situps
3x15 slam balls (20#)
3x15 double unders

5x5 pushups (5 seconds down, 1 second up per rep)

WOD: "1/5/12"
Three sets of 21-15-9 reps for time of:
  • sumo deadlift high pulls (2 pood kettlebell)
  • knees 2 elbow
  • box jumps (24")

Time 9:17

I subbed knees to elbows for toes to bar. Rx was toes to bar. Everything else was Rx.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


row 500 meters
2x5 bear complex (45#)
1 set of 5 deadlift/3 hang cleans/1 push jerk (95#)
1 set of 7 deadlift/5 hang cleans/3 push jerk (115#)

5 rounds for time of:
  • 12 deadlift
  • 9 hang cleans
  • 6 push jerks

Time 9:32

I did level 2 at 115#. Rx is 155#.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back in the Box

3x10 pushups
3x10 situps (ab mat)
3x10 ghd back extensions
3x10 squats
1x5 pullups
pvc pass thrus
3xBergner warmup

10 minutes of snatch (65#/95#/117#/137#)

WOD: "Tires"
10 minutes AMRAP of tire flips & jump throughs.

54 reps